My name is Stéphane BERAZA, I was born in 1970, and since 2012, I am the owner, chef and instructor at « Caramel Sarrasin ».
In 2000, I ran in the « Parc Montsouris » (Paris 14eme), a snacking point « La Bonbonnière » front of the lake.
In 2008, I spent two weeks in the most famous crepe school in Brittany learning how to cook the best galettes (savoury buckwheat crepes) and the famous salted butter caramel sauce.
For sure my best professionnal experience.
Since 2020 each afternoon I really enjoy sharing my passion and my knowledge during my Amazing Crepe Cooking Classes.
See you very soon, believe in galettes and crepes.
Learn chef's secrets to cook the best batter without lumps.
Learn how to bake traditional French crepes.
In Stéphane 's crêperie restaurant and in his kitchen, following his expertise and professional advice and guidance you will learn how to make the batter and bake your crepes on a professional crepe machine. You will become the number one experts in using the top cooking ustensils.
Once you have made your perfectly fresh crepes, you will cover them with delicious home made toppings and you will enjoy your perfectly fresh work drinking fresh farm apple juice and exquisite farm cider.
You will be amazed by Stephane's home made toppings bar thanks to which you will embellish your crepes.
Come and learn all about best crepes so you can recreate them at home for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Please note that this class is not suitable for children under 8, coeliacs, lacto intolerance and vegan. Upon booking, please provide the first names of all guests.
Monday, tuesday, thursday, and friday afternoon : 3.30PM to 6.30PM
Wednesday only for private group. Only in English.
For 2 to 10 guests, 8 years old minimum. No visitors, each guest have to pay a seat. Not suitable for coeliacs, lactose intolerants and vegans.
The class start on time and no entrance after 4PM so take care about the traffic in Paris.
Unique experience in a traditional crêperie restaurant with professional crepe machines and a great chef. Don't miss this, it will be the highlight of your trip in Paris for sure ( 4.98/5 with 400 reviews ).
Tuesday and thursday evening ( 7.30PM to 10.30PM )
For 2 to 10 guests, 8 years old minimum.
Interesting price for big group.
The full class with the famous gluten free and dairy free savoury crêpes in France ( galettes ) and the delicious sweet crepes.
So great, so fun, so educational, so frenchy. It will be a blast.
Lundi, mardi ou jeudi soir de 19h30 à 23h.
Uniquement en Français, en petit groupe de 2 à 4 personnes maximum.
Encadré par Stéphane BERAZA en personne ( crêpier professionnel depuis 1999 et formé à l'école Treblec de Rennes ) le monde des galettes et des crêpes n'aura plus de secret pour vous. Ce cours est essentiellement axé sur la pratique du rozell, le fameux râteau à crêpes.
Mais Stéphane vous dévoilera aussi tous ses trucs et astuces ainsi que ses précieux conseils. Les recettes vous seront envoyées par mail le lendemain et Stéphane restera à votre écoute si le besoin s'en fait sentir.
Réservation sur demande via le formulaire de contact ou par mail
Prix : 180€ HT
Vous êtes à la recherche d'un lieu pour
un dîner ou un cocktail en famille, entre
amis ou collègues ?
Vous cherchez une activité originale et
fun en version Team Building pour votre
entreprise ?
Nous pouvons ouvrir notre crêperie
exceptionnellement ( en version
privatisée ou non) les lundis, mardis
mercredis et jeudis soirs sur demande à
partir de 19h30.
Merci de nous adresser un mail ( ) et nous vous
répondrons dans les plus brefs délais.
À bientôt
This class was not only fun, but so informative! My daughter and I had a blast learning the history of crepes and all of the secret tips for making our own crepes at home. Be sure to get some salted caramel to take home too!
I loved this class. Great instructor! The class is in English. I love to cook, I feel confident I can go home and make authentic French Crepes. This class is a MUST next time you are in Paris.
Highly recommend. Stephan was energetic and fun. Very interactive and something different to do in Paris. Loved it and would recommend.
The crepe making class was so much fun and our favorite thing we did in Paris! The crepes we made were delicious and I can’t wait to make them again at home! Great for families, friends, or couples. Highly recommend!!
Stéphane, our exceptional crêpe instructor, provided a delightfully personable touch to our culinary adventure, making it both educational and enjoyable. The French crepes we crafted under his guidance were simply divine, bursting with flavor and authenticity. I highly recommend this unforgettable experience to anyone visiting – it's a must-do for food enthusiasts and novices alike! by Caramel Sarrasin